Fireworks Injuries, Car Accidents, and DUIs Surge Over Fourth of July Holiday
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Traumatic Brain Injuries in Focus on National Concussion Awareness Day
National Concussion Awareness Day ® is tomorrow, Friday, September 16th, 2022 so we figured this would be a good time to put some focus on traumatic brain injuries (TBI). As traumatic brain injury lawyers, we have seen first hand the life changing impact a traumatic brain injury can have. Studies have shown that even a “minor” TBI can increase the risk of dementia and other health issues later on in life. When a TBI is caused by the negligent or willful act of another, it only adds to the emotional distress of the injury.
Read MoreWhat is Duty of Care in Personal injury Law?
Most personal injury claims center around the negligence of the defendant in order to establish the defendant’s fault for the accident. And yet, the very first element in a successful personal injury claim is showing that there was a relationship that created a “duty of care.” It would be helpful to understand what is a duty of care, how it relates to negligence and some examples of when a duty of care is owed.