by Robert WolleSeptember 14, 2018 Family Law Blog Bellingham, Personal Injury Attorney Blog Bellingham0 comments
Can I Sue for Verbal or Emotional Abuse?
In most jurisdictions when a defendant intentionally inflicts emotional or verbal abuse on a plaintiff, the plaintiff can sue and recover damages for the emotional pain and suffering they endured as well as for physical problems caused by the abuse. The legal theory used in these cases is “intentional infliction of emotional distress (IIED).” Note that only conduct that goes beyond all...Read More

Washington State Divorce Attorney Shares Shocking Domestic Violence Statistics
Domestic violence is a pattern of intentional behavior meant to demean, control and exert power over an intimate partner. It plays out in various ways including intimidation, emotional and mental abuse, sexual assault, physical assault and battery, and sexual assault. The abuse can vary widely in frequency and severity; examples include hitting and pushing, isolating partner from others,...Read More

Why You Should Minimize the Effects of Parental Conflict upon Children
What is the key to raising a smart, compassionate and grounded child? While experts might debate the strengths and weaknesses of various methods, it doesn’t appear that there is one, perfect model. Research indicates,however, that the formula for giving your child less than a perfect chance at a happy, secure and normal life is actually more predictable; especially when parents involve...Read More

Handling Parenting Differences
How does a parent learn “to parent”? Many new parents are apprehensive when it’s time to bring a baby home. As most of us have learned, the parenting books or other helpful or friendly advice from relatives, friends and complete strangers at the grocery store are not always what our particular child (or children) need. The same is true for what we and our spouses think is the best for a child....Read More

Leaving Child Home Alone
Like many of you, I have a special place in my heart for Kevin McCallister, the young protagonist in the blockbuster series “Home Alone”. That kid is resourceful like no other. He masterfully keeps his house safe and effectively outwits the villains using creative and imaginative methods that would elude most adults. All turns out for the best in these movies and his parents are none the...Read More
How Do I Handle a Prenuptial Agreement?
You are recently engaged and you’ve got prenuptial agreements on the brain. Maybe friends or family are asking if you will be signing one or you’d like your significant other to sign one. Whatever your circumstance, prenuptial agreements are very common and there are some legitimate and practical reasons to sign a contract. Reasons to Sign a Prenuptial Agreement You or your fianc Read More

Practical Steps for Ending an Abusive Relationship
Physically and emotionally walking away from an abusive relationship requires courage and support from many different sources; you may want to seek the help of a domestic abuse family law attorney to protect your rights and those of your children. Statistically speaking, the most dangerous time for a battered spouse is when they leave the relationship as the abuser becomes insecure and afraid...Read More