As parents we have a parental responsibility to keep our children safe. As they get older, children may wish to throw parties for their friends in your home and as the parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that the event is safe and responsible. Failure to ensure that everyone is behaving responsibility can result in serious consequences for parents, including legal liability, financial damages, and long-lasting injuries.
The Super Bowl is one of the most popular days of the year for gathering with friends. It’s not even really relevant whether your team made it or not, the Super Bowl, which takes place the second Sunday in February each year, is a chance to watch the season’s two best teams face off in what should be an exciting game. For non-football fans, it’s all about socializing, eating and drinking, and watching the commercials and halftime show. Super Bowl parties are a great way to watch the big game. Many hosts put out chicken wings and other appetizers or barbequed foods and have bottles of beer, cider, or other alcoholic beverages available.