The Connection Between Domestic Rape Statistics and Domestic Violence
There is a strong connection between domestic violence, sexual assault and domestic rape; which are all about demeaning, intimidating and exerting power over another person. According to data from the National Coalition of Domestic Violence, between 40 and 45 percent of women in abusive relationships will also be sexually assaulted during the course of the relationship compared to 14 – 25 percent of women in relationships not marked by abuse. According to VAWnet, about 10 – 14 percent of married women experience marital rape in the US.
Read MoreShocking Marital Rape Statistics
Up until recent decades, it was thought that marital rape wasn’t possible. Rape was only considered a crime if it was committed by a stranger or by someone with whom the victim did not share an intimate relationship; there was actually an exemption written into rape laws for married couples. As a result, the first marital rape conviction in the United States didn’t occur until the 1970s.
What percentage of U.S. States consider marital rape a crime? What is marital rape?
Marital rape finally became a crime in all 50 states on July 5, 1993. As of 2006, in 20 states it is understood that whenever consent isn’t given and oral, anal or vaginal penetration is forced upon someone, then rape has occurred. In the other 30 states there are still some exemptions from rape prosecution granted to husbands.