When a Commercial Truck Causes an Accident: Failure to Secure a Load
We need large commercial and semi-trucks to deliver our goods to market and they crisscross our nation’s roads and bridges in order to fulfill our needs. This means that passenger vehicles share the roads with large trucks every day. With the obvious size difference at play, accidents between passenger vehicles and commercial trucks can be deadly.
There are many causes of commercial truck accidents but today we are going to talk about truck accidents caused by failure to secure a load.
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Most Common Types of Large Truck Accidents
Anyone who’s been in a motor vehicle accident involving a large truck knows how scary it is. Small vehicles don’t stand much of a chance against big rigs and that means a much higher likelihood of disability or death for small vehicle passengers. According to IIHS.org, 4,136 people died in large truck crashes in 2018 alone. Of these deaths, 67 percent were car and other passenger vehicle occupants, and 15 percent were pedestrians, bicyclists or motorcyclists. One thing that has increased during the pandemic is the need to get food and household staples to grocery stores and that means more trucks on the roads and a higher risk of large truck accidents than normal.
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